

If you are an author, a potential author, an illustrator or a literary agent looking to have a work published by Milet, please take account of the following information.

Please have a careful look at our website to make sure that your work suits our profile and our list of titles.  Milet has a very consistent line – bilingual, multicultural, contemporary/non-traditional – so if your work is not like this, then it is not likely to interest us.

Please also consider the wider book market, how your work is similar or different to other titles in the market: showing awareness of the market and how your book could fare in it is crucial to a good submission. 

If your work matches the above criteria and you wish to submit it to us, please follow these guidelines:

Submissions must be sent BY EMAIL ONLY to

Your submission should consist of:

►A cover letter including: your credentials as an author/illustrator; a brief description of the work, including extent; the target audience for the work; titles of some similar and/or competing titles in the book market

►A synopsis of the work comprising one paragraph to one page

►Sample text, chapters or illustrations from the work

We will only consider proposals that include all of the above elements.

Please email your submission to:  

Due to the number of submissions we receive, we can reply only to those that we wish to consider further.  The consideration process can take up to three months, so if you do not hear from us within that time, then we are not pursuing your submission.

Please do not attempt to call our distributors about your submission. Our distributors handle only book sales and distribution, not submissions.
